Our nutrition center in La Victoria is attended daily by 90-100 children from a few weeks old to five years. All of them suffer from the effects of malnutrition. We provide breakfast and lunch as well as medical help for them.
Aline Z., a young woman from Germany who spent some time in the Dominican Republic with our sisters, tells about her experiences: “At breakfast many of the children needed help – or encouragement – to eat. After that we sang together and learned different things like the days of the week and months, and that washing your hands with soap is important. Before the children could play, we bathed them and put clean clothes on them. Before lunch the little ones took a nap on the floor. The sight of these peacefully slumbering children left me in awe each time. What especially touched me was their cheerfulness. One of the most beautiful things was to see their laughing faces. It was part of the daily routine to be boisterously hugged by these lively children almost to the point of falling over. However, in contrast to this were the shocking conditions of their lives. Hardly did they leave the nutrition center when their lives looked different. Angel will spend his afternoon playing alone in the street. Melanie won’t have anything to eat for supper. Darkin will lose her broken shoes countless times on the way home. Yula’s biggest wish – to have a bicycle – will never come true. It was and is not easy to perceive this discrepancy.”
Sometimes we are pressured by the concern about how we will be able to meet all the demands with our limited means. We are grateful for every help to be able to give the children the foundation for a better future.
Project ID: Ernährungszentrum La Victoria
Mission Center of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary
Berg Schoenstatt 6
56179 Vallendar
Phone: (0261) 6404-311
Email: missionszentrale@s-ms.org
Beneficiary Bank: LIGA Bank eG
IBAN: DE10 7509 0300 0000 058920
Swift Code/BIC: GENODEF1M05