July 15, 2023

At Second Glance – 05

Let us see every created thing as a great,

illustrated book of God,

as a book with readings about him. J. Kentenich


“Coffee our…” This text is found in many variations on postcards, mugs, or signs. For some, it’s just a funny detail; for others, it is something disconcerting.

A teacher relates that a colleague asked her one morning about this saying which had been posted at the coffee station in the institution where she taught— whether she had seen it hanging there and what she thought about it.

She reacted spontaneously and said it made her think of the Lord’s Prayer. [In German, the Lord’s Prayer begins with the words Father our.] She asked her colleague if her colleague knew the Lord’s Prayer – and if they could pray it together. The colleague was flabbergasted but agreed to pray it, and both of them prayed the Lord’s Prayer by the coffee station. A genuine religious conversation followed. This colleague had grown up in the former East Germany without faith and asked a few questions and dismissed some mistaken ideas.

 Some situations take a surprising change when we have the courage to witness to our faith—also in places where we normally do not do this. Any situation can lend itself to this, even a “coffee our” sign at a coffee station.



Blessed Mother, I want to evangelize with you – in the midst of my daily environment – in the joy of redemption. Help me be imaginative and courageous enough to stand up for HIM.



Today I will dare to tell someone who might not expect it about my faith.