May 15, 2023

At Second Glance – 03

Sister M. Anrika Dold; Susanna Denkinger
Illustration: Sister Francine-Marie Cooper

            Let us see every created thing as a great,

illustrated book of God,

as a book with readings about him. J. Kentenich 


Marbles is one of the oldest games in the world and there are endless ways to play with them. It is good, obviously, not only for children to play imaginatively with these little colorful glass balls, but for us, also, to lighten up our lives with them.

Father Kentenich emphasized that we can see our relationship to God, likewise, as a game. It is a game of love. “The Christian life, my life as a Christian, is one great game of love. More precisely, a game of hide and seek. Our dear God hides and searches for me and I search for him, and I hide from him.” (White Sunday, 1965)

Or, as Gertraud von Bullion wrote once in her journal: “We want to see God’s attentiveness [to us] in every ray of light, whether it is given to us through people or things of nature …”

God hides behind the things of daily life—and we can search for him and find him in every situation.


Maria, our dear blessed MOTHER,

You are an expert in this game of love. Show me how I can discover God.



I will put a marble (or something like it) in my pocket. When I discover God behind an event, I will switch the marble to my other side pocket.