Give me a soul that resonates with the shrine.

When Bishop Devair Aráujo da Fonseca from the Diocese of Piracicaba in the state of São Paulo/Brazil, spent a day at the Schoenstatt Tabor Center in Atibaia/São Paulo, he experienced the dedication of a home shrine by Bishop Milton Kenan Júnior from the Diocese of Barretos, likewise in the state of São Paulo.
Bishop Devair wanted to know from Bishop Milton what it was all about. He learned that the way to establishing a home shrine is through the covenant of love. Then, because of its importance and deep meaning, Bishop Devair wanted to prepare himself for the covenant of love.

He chose April 28, 2024, for this celebration, because his diocese would also be present at the Schoenstatt Shrine in Atibaia on that day.
For the annual diocesan pilgrimage, thousands of pilgrims came again this year in 82 buses to be with the Blessed Mother and to experience this special moment of grace, the covenant of love of their bishop.
Give me a soul that resonates with the shrine.
It was a sea of people, and Bishop Devair was happy about this sea. He said a few words of welcome to the pilgrims. Sister M. Inácia Bett led the prayer service in which the bishop sealed the covenant of love. So that all of the people would understand the meaning of the prayer service each part of the rite was explained.
Bishop Devair was touched when he saw the tent filled with the faithful in Eucharistic Adoration. There was a reverent atmosphere as the bishop said his prayer: “O Mother Thrice Admirable and Queen … I am here, convinced and ready, to seal my covenant of love with you … give me a soul that that resonates with the message of your shrine and strives for the highest in my spiritual life. I dedicate myself to you, O dear Mother, and place into the capital of grace all my joys, successes, my sacrifices, my efforts, my suffering, my struggles, and everything good that I accomplish.” (See the complete text of the prayer at the end of this article)
Then something extraordinary happened!
The bishop celebrated Holy Mass at 3:00 p.m. He explained the Gospel in his sermon and applied it to the life of the Blessed Mother. He encouraged the people to seal the covenant of love and to bring the Mother and Queen of Schoenstatt everywhere in the Diocese of Piracicaba. The covenant journey is underway because Bishop Devair wants to establish a home shrine.
On Monday, a priest sent us a message asking what they had to do to make the covenant of love. When someone consecrates himself to the Mother Thrice Admirable, Queen and Victress of Schoenstatt, what better thing can happen than that he expects the blessing of the covenant of love for himself and his mission?
Prayer of the Covenant of Love
Of Bishop Devair Araújo da Fonseca, Bishop of the Diocese of Piracicaba/SP
I am here, O Mother Thrice Admirable and Queen, to consecrate myself completely to you. I am here, convinced and ready to seal my covenant of love with you and your divine Son.
I believe that you are here with an abundance of graces and that you want to give them to your faithful. Here you want to educate me, to form in me the new person with an ideal, a personality, a character, and a mentality capable of setting hearts on fire for Christ.
Here you want to teach me to lead a life of practical faith in the plans of the heavenly Father, to sanctify every day and every action.
O my dear Mother, I ask you sincerely for these graces. Make me obedient to your teachings, give me a soul that resonates with the message of your shrine and strives for the highest in my spiritual life.
I dedicate myself to you, O dear Mother, and place into the capital of grace all my joys, successes, my sacrifices, my efforts, my suffering, my struggles, and everything good that I accomplish. I entrust my will to you, I give it to you so you can fulfill yours. I entrust to you my heart and my mind, my body and my soul, so that they become your reflection.
Awaken in my soul the spirit of Christ in such a deep and sensitive way that I can radiate it everywhere.
Your shrine is a school in which the highest virtues are cultivated. It is an unshakable rock against the storms of the materialistic world. It is a nest of peace. It is a true home and a source of grace. From the shrine, let me realize more and more how beautiful and worthy a life is that values the talents and inspirations God has placed in the soul.
Let me realize that you are my Mother who fills my emptiness, who loves me and makes me happy.
Accept me, tender Mother, and make me an instrument for the renewal of the world in Christ and the building-up of the New Church, a realm of love and justice, of truth and peace.
I believe in my mission as bishop. I ask you on this day of my covenant of love to intercede with Jesus so that the Lord’s words may be fulfilled: