An outward pastoral for vocations –
but also one ad intra.
We are grateful to experience that in our sisters’ family there is not only an outward pastoral for vocations, but also one ad intra.
We 21 sisters from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Germany, Romania, South Africa, and the USA
have been on our journey together in the “Family Seminar” since December 2022. Guided by a beautifully designed website, we worked our way through the six main themes:

bound – free – initiative from within – communicative – internationally united – conquering the world.
For each focus there was a wealth of selected texts from our founder, enriching video testimonies, mostly from fellow sisters, and above all there were tasks that helped us to apply what we had learned in our everyday lives.
We will never forget the “On Monday Evenings”, the regular Zoom meetings where we were able to bring our questions about each focus, talk to each other and enrich each other. These Monday evenings were also very special because each of us came from the middle of our everyday lives and gave a little insight into what was on her mind and what moved her at the start of the meeting. This broadened our perspective across continents and brought us closer together!
The weekend from February 2-4, 2024,
our presence meeting took place.
Those from the German speaking countries gathered in the Motherhouse. Our sisters from overseas, who had joined us virtually, were absolutely present – even though some of them had to stay up all night because of the time difference!
Each of us presented a final project, which we had chosen, and it was incredible to see the richness, creativity and diversity that was shared. We were so proud to have such co-sisters and to be able to belong to such a family.
It was quite difficult to say goodbye, because during the months in which we journeyed together, we became deeply united.
Yes, this seminar really was “vocation ministry ad intra” for us
- because the Family Seminar Team invested an incredible amount of time, effort, care, and love to make this time possible.
- because we were able to discover anew and even more deeply the richness and beauty of our family – in our international community and in many valuable video contributions from fellow sisters, for which we are very grateful.
- because we were able to immerse ourselves deeply in our world and spirituality by studying the texts of our Father and Founder through which our first love was reawakened.
- because we were equipped for our everyday lives and made fit for the future by applying what we had read into practice.
So now – freshly strengthened – we can once again dedicate ourselves to the pastoral care of vocations ad extra, above all through our longing and our efforts: