A Mission in the Shadow
of the Original Shrine
In September 2019, I took up my new work in the shadow of the Original Shrine in Schoenstatt, Germany with much joy. Before that, my work as a Schoenstatt Sister of Mary was in my country, Argentina. During the past three and one half years I have welcomed many pilgrims from Spanish speaking countries who came to this holy place with hearts full of joy and longing.
Schoenstatt, a place on the way to the World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal
During the past months, the Pilgrim Center in Schoenstatt, Germany was asked if it would host a group of youth from Mexico this summer on their way to the World Youth Day (WYD) in Lisbon, Portugal. Another group stated that they were traveling from the United States and they wanted to know if they could come to Schoenstatt and learn more about it. Still another group identified themselves as Schoenstatt Youth from Ecuador who wanted to make a pilgrimage to Schoenstatt before participating in World Youth Day in Portugal. They asked us to suggest a program of activities for them.
About 450 young people will stop in Schoenstatt
The year 2023 will be a special year because about 450 youth from various countries in North and South America will come to Schoenstatt from July 15-28 to learn more about this place of pilgrimage, to learn and experience for themselves the places that speak of the life and experiences of the first members of Schoenstatt, and to follow the traces that our Founder, Father Joseph Kentenich, left here.
A cantata from the youth for Blessed Mother
Meanwhile, we were also asked if a cantata for the Blessed Mother by the youth could take place during the time when the many young people will be in Schoenstatt in the days leading up to World Youth Day and if the cantata could be organized already now.

Thus, on July 25, something very special will happen. All of the Schoenstatt youth from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, the USA, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay and the Dominican Republic who are attending the World Youth Day will be in Schoenstatt at the same time and will renew their covenant of love with the MTA in the Original Shrine. There will be a celebration for the Blessed Mother, honoring her with songs and presentations prepared by the youth themselves.
“I want to draw youthful hearts to myself.”
Volunteers organized in teams are preparing for this event. Increasingly, the joy, the enthusiasm, and the desire to be together and share experiences is felt. Experiences like this large gathering of youth in Schoenstatt kindle and deepen love for our Mother Three Times Admirable of Schoenstatt, our attachment to her, and to high ideals.
“I want to draw youthful hearts to myself.”
The Blessed Mother fulfills this promise of the covenant of love time and again!

So, already now, a heartfelt welcome to the young people who will be here this summer!
Do you need more information? Would you like to help?
Contact: esp@schoenstatt-info.org