It has become a tradition that each year on May 1, we make a
Pilgrimage from the Matri-Ecclesiae-Shrine
To the Cor-Ecclesiae-Shrine

This year, however, the pilgrimage was special. This was noticeable already in the Rector of Belmonte, Father Marcelo Cervi’s, invitation:
“On Sunday, May 1, we look forward to seeing a great number of you on our pilgrimage to the COR-ECCLESIAE-Shrine (Via Aurelia Antica, 112). The Rosary will be prayed at 9:30 am and the Holy Mass will follow at 10:00 am.
With this pilgrimage we begin the PILGRIMAGE OF MARIAE in preparation for the coronation of the Mother of God in the Shrine of Belmonte during the Holy Year 2025.
I wish you with our Schoenstatt-Mother a blessed month of May with our Schoenstatt-Mother filled with May-blossoms and graces.” Father Marcello
The families signed up to take the PIGRIMAGING MARIAE into their homes. The invitation read:
In May 2022 the PILGRIMAGE OF MARIAE will take place in the city of Rome in preparation for the crowning of the Three Times Admirable Mother of Schoenstatt in the Matri-Ecclesiae-Shrine (Belmonte) in 2025.
In an atmosphere of prayer, joy and lively participation, the Mother of God will come to the homes of 30 families and will prepare their hearts for the great event of the coronation.
Commencing: May 1- COR ECCLESIAE Shrine, 9:30 am
Concluding: May 31 – MATRI ECCLESIAE Shrine, 6 pm
The Family Pilgrim MTA is Special
“Famlies have opened their homes to the Three Times Admirable Mother of Schoenstatt and are particpating in the initiative of the PILGRIMAGE OF MARIAE 2022, that is enlivening the month of May and is helping us to experience the motherly care of the Blessed Virgin Mary in a new and more intensive way.
The welcome of the Pilgrim MTA by families is special:

♥ This picture belonged to John Luiz Possobon and is one of the first Pilgrim MTA Shrines that he brought to the families in the much larger size, the so called Auxiliary. In 2004, the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary of the province in Santa Maria, Brazil gave this icon to the to the Matri-Ecclesiae shrine and this icon has the inscription, “This campaign will save the world!” These are the words of a bishop who intially did not believe in the power of the Apostolate of the Pilgrim MTA, but eventually publically recognized its value and evangelizing effectiveness.
♥ By welcoming this Pilgrim MTA Shrine into their homes, the families open their hearts for the graces that the campaign brings. The graces are the same as in Schoenstatt shrines. And the families hold to both of the great initiatives that are connected to it: prayer for the families, participation in the World Meeting of Families in Rome from June 22-26, 2022, and the preparation of Roman Schoenstatters for the great international event of the crowning of the Mater Ter Admirabilis as Queen of Belmont during the Holy Year 2025 in our Matri Ecclesiae-shrine.” (Father Marcelo Cervi)

Our event was truly an event of great gratitude because after two years we could see each other again in person. After Holy Mass we gathered for refreshments. It was had to choose because there were so many good things.
The participants who came for the first time were impressed by the beauty of the place and the welcome given by the sisters and our Mother and Queen of May in the shrine.