Our two
Schoenstatt-Summer Camps in Hungary
at the youth house Mary Home were very beautiful. Seventeen girls, aged 9-12, from the areas of Timisiora, Arad, and Szeged (Hungary) attended the first week. Some of the girls from this group attend every year. The theme was “You are precious!” Four of these 17 girls sealed the friendship covenant of love with Mother Mary.
Cast into the deep!
Twenty-five girls from Oradea, Temeswar, Arad, Szilágy and Siebenbuergen participated in the second summer camp which was for girls 13 and older and had the theme:
Cast into the Deep!
This was a great group that was very lively. Most of them were with us for the first time. Sixteen girls sealed the covenant of love with Mother Mary and symbolically entered into the “living crown.” That was a great joy for us. They were very open for our spirituality and returned home very happy.
Here is some FEEDBACK from the girls themselves about what they experienced:
“I’ve been waiting for this camp for a long time. The first time I came here was in 2019, this is my third time. On Friday, introductory games followed icebreakers like conductor and fruit salad. We ended the day with evening prayer. What I liked very much about Friday was the dress-up contest and the treasure hunt. But there was much more: There was a group lesson with the theme You Are Precious—regardless of what others say, God always loves you very much. I also loved the singing together, the performances. In the afternoon we formed two teams: Coca-Cola and Slippers which competed against each other in various tasks. There even was shopping, Holy Mass and evening prayer.” Köles Réka
“I am from Szeged. I’m happy that I could participate in this weekend. In terms of the program, I liked the outdoor games. On the first day we drew a name for whom we were an “angel.” We could not say whose name we had drawn. We were to prepare a few surprises for that person each day. I liked this very much. It was very exciting on the last day to learn who had drawn what name. And last but not least, the breakfast, lunch and evening meal acccording to Hungarian taste should receive an A+!” Scherer Dominica
“I am from Zimándújfalu. This year I attended the summer camp for the first time. I had a great experience. Everyone was sad when we had to return home on Sunday afternoon. I am proud to be a friend of the Blessed Mother! Thanks to the camp I now have a necklace as a reminder of my friendship with the Blessed Mother.” Gyüre Vanda-Mária

“We are happy that we could be together again this year. We felt at home with each other and used this time with the Mother of God well. We began every morning with Holy Mass thanks to Father Jakab Lajos. After breakfast we had a group lesson about Schoenstatt. There were various interactive and creative activities in the afternoon. In the evening there were discussions, games, common prayer and once Eucharistic Adoration. We had much fun and a lot of joy each day. On Sunday we were surprised by the visit of the Diocesan Bishop von Temeswar Bishop József-Csaba Pál, his secretary, and a seminarian. That was a great joy for us.
To unpack the theme Cast into the Deep, we took a boat ride on the Bega River. We organized a lively evening program with dancing, singing, skits and jokes.That is always a special evening for us. Cast into the Deep brought us much inspiration. We tried to go deeper into our hearts, deeper into our faith, and to deepen our relationship with Jesus and the Mother of God.
We thank the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary and two Tekmek students who helped to organize and lead this summer camp. We look forward to seeing you again next year at the Schoenstatt summer camp.” Piklor Larissa