Information for the Schoenstatt Movement
In view of legal action
regarding statements in the publication
„Vater darf das!“ (ISBN 978-3-95948-494-7)
Mount Schoenstatt, March 6, 2021
Following the publication of the book “Vater darf das”, the Secular Institute of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary has taken legal action against the author Dr. Alexandra von Teuffenbach and the publisher Traugott Bautz. We object to the prejudgment of Father Joseph Kentenich contained in this book.
The author of the book and the publisher were asked to refrain from these accusations, but did not comply. As a result, an application for a “preliminary injunction” was filed on our behalf, by which the statements in the above-mentioned sense are to be prohibited. No decision has yet been made on the matter.
The issue that has so far prevented us from taking legal action against the statements made by Dr. Alexandra von Teuffenbach is the question of legal standing (so-called “active legitimation”). For this purpose, we have to be considered as eligible to enforce the post-mortem personal rights of Father Kentenich. The court that has been called upon has now signaled that such legitimation of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary can be considered.
In addition to this legal step, we support all efforts that are being made for historical reappraisal and clarification, and we are making all relevant archival documents of our community available to the various commissions for this purpose. This applies in particular to the group of experts appointed by Bishop Dr. Ackermann in the context of the beatification process of Father Kentenich.