The Prayer and Adoration Community
is especially open to all events in the world because it is their mission to pray and sacrifice for people. It is called to be a power of love, prayer and sacrifice in the Church. In the present world situation, caused by the “explosion” of Covid-19, our Prayer Community sees itself called by God to intensify its prayer and its unshakable trust, because “we know that for those who love him, God makes everything work for the good.” (Rom 8:28) This time of isolation awakened much spiritual life in the Prayer Community. Those who prayed were encouraged to do so and many contributions were made to the capital of grace with the request for the end of the pandemic.
A group of more than 40 people, who are engaged in prayer for the families, now pray the Rosary online, via Facebook.

Another group of about 30 persons from the states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Paraná, and the governmental district of Brasilia, exchange meditations, Schoenstatt literature, etc. through Whatsapp. They are mainly united in prayer and spiritual adoration.
Maria Rita, from São Paulo, coordinator of the Pilgrim Mother, member of the Mothers’ League and Adoration Community, tells us that for many years they have been responsible for Thursday Adoration in the Shrine. “Because of the necessary quarantine, the praying persons now receive impulses for their encounter with Christ through the social media, and each one withdraws to his Home Shrine to adore Jesus there. In addition, every Thursday evening the Sisters of Mary offer impulses for adoration online via Facebook from the Shrine of Vila Mariana. Everyone will then have the opportunity to participate at home and to ask the Blessed Trinity, through the intercession of the dear Mother Thrice Admirable, to put an end to the tragedy that has struck the world.”
Last year the Prayer Community crowned Our Lady as the “Queen of Praying Hearts” and this year they are preparing to present the scepter to the Queen. This scepter presentation is scheduled for December during the retreat and the meeting of the Prayer Community. The members of the Prayer Community offer the scepter to the Mother and Queen daily and pray: “Take the crown and the scepter of your power! O Queen, be victorious in our great mission! Only with you will our army of prayer prevail and Christ will rule the whole world. May you rule the whole world through our prayer and may you kindle in the Church a fervent love for Christ and a deep faith in him, in eternal adoration”.
United with our Holy Father, Pope Francis, as the prayerful army of the Mother and Queen of Schoenstatt, we raise our prayer to heaven and implore the end of the pandemic and the return of all people to the Father Heart of God: Lord, bless the world, give health to the body and strengthen the hearts.