Development Center of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary,
that helps you get free from your own self,
to live for the others and help them.”
Joy, compromise, trust, effort, solidarity. These are the values that “La Nazarena” focuses on and lives by. It is a Development Center built by the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in one of the poorest areas of Greater Buenos Aires in Florencia Varela. This offer is possible because there is a team of professional and volunteer helpers who work here out of the Covenant of Love with the Blessed Mother. The basis of their commitment is the love for one’s neighbor, which becomes concrete in the help for 180 children and 500 adults – most of them single mothers.
In “La Nazarena” everyone, families and volunteers, work hand in hand. Thus “La Nazarena” becomes a school of human bonds, a community in which the words of Pope Francis in Christus Vivit come alive: “Christ lives and he wants you to live”. All those who visit the Development Center, which is located near the Schoenstatt Shrine, are touched by an experience of God that meets their neighbor and awakens the desire to go out and help others.
The progress that we can experience in “La Nazarena”, which is carried by the Holy Spirit, awakens hope. In just over a year – the center was inaugurated on March 19, 2018 – the numbers are more than just numbers. They are signs of love. Through support in health care, education and job placement, we have been able to give more than 100 families a better quality of life.
Some figures speak for themselves:
– 100 families receive spiritual support and education,
– 560 people receive a meal every day,
– 380 have basic medical care,
– 60 children are in psycho-educational care,
– 180 children receive early support, tutoring and sports,
– 470 adults take part in courses to get work: Bakery, confectionery, cosmetics, hairdresser and computer science,
– 60 children were vaccinated,
– 150 children and adults were treated by dentists.
“La Nazarena” – interior view
“La Nazarena” looks after families, mostly children and single mothers living in extreme poverty. These households are mostly supported by donations. Only 10 families have father and mother in the household. Only two mothers have a secondary school graduation certificate. 15% of the families have odd jobs, are not permanently employed, the others are without work. 70% of the families have many children, up to 15 persons. Only 5% have access to natural gas. They live in areas with unpaved roads that are easily flooded. 80% do not have a sewage system, 20% of the families live in a poor district with little houses along the stream. The houses are made of wood and sheet metal.
100% of these people need you!
You too can participate in this spiritual, human and social progress. Become a member of this beautiful community to improve the lives of those who need it. We are dependent on volunteers and donors. Further information can be found at:
Our contact details:
Email:<br />
Phone: 0054 11 6574 0018
Bank details:
Institute: Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary Mission Center
IBAN: DE10 7509 0300 0000 0589 20
Responsible for the use: Hermana Maria Ignacia, LA NAZARENA