Young women enter the Blessed Mother’s School of Holiness at the shrine to discover their vocation
While many students were counting the days until the beginning of school, six young women in northeastern Brazil were anxiously waiting to enter the “School of Mary”. Here they want to get to know more about their lives in the light of their God-given personal mission. On February 1, they moved to the House of the Youth at the Tabor Shrine of Everyday Sanctity in Garanhun.
This blessed time, dedicated entirely to the search for their personal vocation, begins with holy Mass. In the coming months, in times of God-filled silence and concrete apostolate, these young people will gather experiences in order to discover God’s plan for their lives. Just as in school the quality of learning and the results of exams are crucial to a successful career, so a person’s answer to God’s call is the prerequisite for his/her own happiness.
With their first step, the young people testify that it is worthwhile for them to leave everything in search of the precious pearl, their own vocation. The heart of the one who hears the call must be in the place God called him/her. In his homily at the conclusion of World Youth Day in Panama, Pope Francis told the youth:
“Not tomorrow, now; for there, now where your treasure is, there your heart is also (cf. Mt 6:21). And that which you are in love with will not only conquer your imagination, but it will involve everything. It will be what gets you up in the morning and spurs you on in the moments of fatigue; it will tear at your heart and fill you with wonder, joy and gratitude. Feel that you have a mission and fall in love with it, and everything will depend on that. “
Just as these words of the Holy Father gave impetus, so did the liturgy of the day encourage them to begin to dare this experience. Each one summarized in one sentence the thought that resonated in her heart during Holy Mass:
- “There are many difficulties to overcome along the way, but it is enough to give one’s life to God.” (Fabrícia, age 22, Paulo Afonso / BAHIA)
“God does not make magic, he works miracles. Entrust your destiny to the Lord and he will take over everything. “(Alanna Karla, 21, Agrestina / PERNAMBUCO) - “I am honored to participate in such a wonderful event. Being with Jesus is just wonderful!” Joana Glória, age 18, Saloá / PE)
- “Yet once it is sown, the seed springs up to become the largest of shrubs with branches big enough for the birds of the sky to build nests in its shade. ” (Mark 4:32). (Karolayne, 19, Angelin / PE)
- “Have the courage to follow Christ.” (Maria Vitória, 17 years, Queimadas de Jurema / PE)
- “We should be courageous and follow Jesus also in the difficulties. We want to trust the Lord at all times. “(Jadiane, 14, Jupi / PE)
With the psalmist, the young people pray: “Commit to the Lord your way; trust in him and he will act” (Ps 37: 5).
During this time, the six young women will offer days of recollection and weekends for other young people who want to connect with them in search of the answer to the longing that God has placed in their hearts.