Light-rosary on the Liebfrauenhöhe
Bring concerns to God
It’s burning in the world – and I also have many concerns myself,” says Mrs. B. when she comes to the light-rosary. The same applies to many visitors, because this afternoon more than 60 people from near and far come to the rosary on the Liebfrauenhöhe. They even come from Munich this afternoon. All have the same concern: to bring their worries and hardships but also their thanks and their joy in community before God.
Thanks, that so much has changed for the better

Before each “Hail Mary,” a worshiper lights a candle and gives Mary a rose. “Blessed Mother, I pray to you for peace between peoples and countries – and for peace in our hearts.” – “Thank you so much that things are getting better in my life.” – “Thank you, dear Mother, that we can always come to you and that you always take care of us.” These and similar concerns are mentioned. Many who come to pray turn their gaze confidently to the image of the Mother of God, their “little package” still before God, creating a dense prayer atmosphere.
The roses speak

The roses are brought to the Shrine at the end of the Rosary. “Now the roses are talking to me,” says Mrs. R. The roses speak to Mary of the concerns of many worshipers. And they speak to the visitor in the Shrine about the trust in Mary of the many who come to pray. For the Sisters of Mary, the two colorful bouquets of roses that stand in the shrine month after month are a reminder to pray in the many concerns behind them.
But now it’s time …
“You know, the afternoon coffee afterwards is just as important as the rosary,” says Mr. S., who always provides entertainment at the table. “It’s so good when you come here among the people. It’s so nice that we can sit together and talk over coffee. At home, I’m alone, “says one woman, and there are many good conversations while drinking coffee. “I did not pray for myself at all, I prayed for our young people,” says a woman who is at the Rosary for the first time. Couple F. asked, about a pilgrimage to a Father Kentenich Day, “You know, we’ve been coming to the Light-rosary for six years now and we have not been to Schoenstatt yet, but now it’s time.” They complete the application form for the Pilgrimage immediately and get the last two seats in the bus, which goes from the Liebfrauenhöhe to Father Kentenich Day.
I cannot express how happy I am
“I cannot express how I feel, how happy I am,” says a woman from Thalheim, who was invited by an acquaintance to the Lights Rosary and is there for the first time. “I’ll tell my daughter so she can come along.”
The bright faces at the end of the afternoon reveal that many visitors are happy and return with new joy to their everyday life.