April 14, 2018

When Sister Comes Again

Sister M. Faustina Niestroj

As a Choir Director on the Way to the People

For several years I have been leading a mixed choir in the neighboring community. I am a church musician by profession and may fulfill this musical-liturgical task in the Schoenstatt Center on the Liebfrauenhöhe. In addition to my work on site, I am also present in the surrounding communities – be it to play the organ or direct the choir. Every time there is a happy greeting “when Sister comes again.” We know each other. For both sides, it’s something different in terms of music, and one looks forward to the mutual encounters.

Without me being aware of it, the Blessed Mother also works in her own way. Once, as Pilgrim Mother, she wonderfully arranged to recruit more apostles for her campaign.

The theme of the service for the first communion children was “The Calling of the Apostles.” The parish helper wanted to illustrate this, so she interviewed some people who have also received a call in their lives. Of course, the choice fell, among others, on the only sister in this Mass. So I came to the front and answered their questions. I talked about my Polish origins and how I had found my way to Schoenstatt.

This talk was the reason that a woman who came from my native Poland made contact with me and very soon became the contact person for the first Pilgrim Mother shrine in that place. It has proven to be a real tool of the MTA. To date – it’s been about three years – this circle is very much alive.